Updated at: 07-08-2023 - By: Matt Roberts

Are you curious about how many calories your leg extension workouts burn? Each repetition on the leg extension machine can be a small step towards your fitness goals.

This article will delve into the specific factors that affect the calorie burning potential of this exercise and even suggest ways to maximize it.

So, get ready: every bit of knowledge might just kick your workout up a notch!

How Many Calories Does Leg Extensions Burn

How Many Calories Does Leg Extensions Burn?

Leg extensions can be a great calorie burner when incorporated in your regular workout routine. This exercise specifically targets the quadriceps muscles – the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis – giving you an intense leg muscle workout.

However, just how many calories does this exercise burn?.

Let’s crunch some numbers here. On average, performing leg extensions burns approximately 68 calories as part of a comprehensive leg day workout session.

Of course, it’s important to note that caloric expenditure is highly personal and varies depending on several factors like body weight and resistance level used during the exercise—more resistance means more exertion which leads to higher caloric burn!

You could use tools like a ‘leg extension calorie calculator‘ or apps such as MyFitnessPal.com to get an estimate of your personalized leg extension workout calorie burn based on these variables.

Moreover, we should understand that burning calories isn’t limited to just doing seated or standing leg extensions; other exercises involving the legs also contribute towards creating a substantial cumulative effect towards total caloric consumption.

For instance, engaging in 20-minutes of calisthenics exercises such as bodyweight squats can help a 125-pound person expend about 66 calories while for a heavier individual weighing around 150 pounds might expect about a loss of roughly 79 calories within the same time span.

Factors That Affect Calories Burned in Leg Extensions

Resistance level

The resistance level used during leg extensions is an important factor that affects the number of calories burned. When you increase the resistance, your muscles have to work harder, leading to a higher calorie burn.

The more challenging the resistance level, the more energy your body needs to perform each repetition of the exercise. So, if you want to maximize your calorie burn during leg extensions, consider gradually increasing the resistance on the machine as you get stronger and more comfortable with the exercise.

Remember, it’s always best to consult with a fitness professional or trainer for guidance on selecting an appropriate resistance level that suits your fitness goals and abilities.

Body weight

Your body weight is an important factor when it comes to calculating the number of calories burned during leg extensions.

The more you weigh, the more energy your body needs to perform the exercise, resulting in a higher calorie burn.

For example, a 150-pound person can burn approximately 68 calories during a leg extension workout. However, keep in mind that individual factors such as intensity and duration of the exercise will also impact the number of calories burned.

So, whether you’re trying to shed some pounds or simply tone your legs, incorporating leg extensions into your workout routine can help you reach your goals.

Other Leg Exercises That Burn Calories


Squats are a fantastic leg exercise that not only helps build strength and muscle, but also burns calories.

When done properly, squats engage multiple muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles.

This means that you’re getting a full-leg workout while also torching calories.

According to MyFitnessPal.com’s exercise database, doing squats for 20 minutes can burn approximately 66-79 calories depending on your body weight.

This makes squats a great addition to any leg workout routine if you’re looking to maximize calorie burn.

Incorporating squats into your fitness regimen can have numerous benefits beyond just burning calories. They can improve overall lower body strength and power, enhance athletic performance, and even help with functional movements like walking or climbing stairs.


Lunges are a fantastic leg exercise that not only help build strength and definition, but also burn calories. When done properly, lunges engage multiple muscles in the lower body, making them an effective calorie-burning workout.

During a lunge, you activate the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles.

According to MyFitnessPal.com’s exercise database, lunges can burn approximately 78 calories in just 20 minutes for someone weighing around 150 pounds. For those who weigh less or more than this average weight, the calories burned may vary slightly.

Incorporating lunges into your leg workout routine is a great way to torch some extra calories while toning and sculpting your legs.

In addition to leg extensions and lunges, there are other leg exercises that can contribute to calorie burning such as step-ups and squats. By combining these different exercises into your workouts, you’ll be able to maximize calorie burn while targeting various muscle groups in your lower body.


Step-ups are another effective leg exercise that can help you burn calories during your workout. This exercise involves stepping up onto a platform or step using one leg at a time, and then lowering yourself back down.

It targets your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, making it a great overall lower body workout. In just 20 minutes of step-ups, a person weighing 150 pounds can burn approximately 81 calories.

So if you’re looking to add variety to your leg routine and increase the calorie burn, don’t forget to incorporate step-ups into your workouts!


In conclusion, leg extensions can be an effective exercise for burning calories and toning the quadriceps muscles.

The number of calories burned during leg extensions will vary depending on factors like resistance levelbody weight, and intensity.

To maximize calorie burn, consider incorporating other leg exercises such as squats and lunges into your workout routine.

Remember to listen to your body and consult with a fitness professional for personalized advice.

Keep up the great work!